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Animal Crossing New Horizons – How To Get Redd’s Hat

Animal Crossing New Horizons is a delightfully charming game with some seriously adorable new animals. One of the most intriguing new additions to the game are the Nintendo Switch exclusive villager skins, which can be unlocked by scanning amiibo cards. Redd’s Hat was one of these villagers, and it’s finally possible to get his hat in-game thanks to this update!

How to get redd in animal crossing new horizons

Redd is a special villager that can only be found by scanning his amiibo card. Unfortunately, his card was initially only available in Japan, so it was difficult for most players to get their hands on it. However, Redd’s Hat has now been added to the game as an unlockable item, so anyone can get it!

To get Redd’s Hat, you first need to visit the Able Sisters’ tailor shop. Talk to Sable and she will tell you that there’s a new sewing machine in the back room. Go into the back room and interact with the sewing machine to start theRedd’s Hat minigame.

Redd’s Hat is a minigame where you have to help the tailor, Mabel, sew Redd’s hat. You control her movement by holding one of the Joy-Con controllers and moving it however you want. The object of the game is to avoid hitting any of Mabel’s obstacles (the squares she passes through) with your sewing machine. If you hit an obstacle, Mabel will start to panic, and if you hit it three times, the game is over! The goal of the minigame is to sew Redd’s hat in 30 seconds or less.

The first step to getting Redd’s hat is catching a fish

The first step to getting Redd’s hat is catching a fish. The fish can be caught in any body of water, but the best place to look for one is in the ocean. There are a few different types of fish that can be caught in the ocean, but the most common one is the bass.

The bass can be caught by using a fishing rod. The best time to go fishing for bass is early in the morning or late at night when the fish are more likely to bite.

Next, go to the Museum of Natural History and donate your fish

Next, go to the Museum of Natural History and donate your fish. You can now choose if you want 4-inches or 8-inches. The 8-inch bass will give you an extra 40% chance of catching a fish as it’s bigger and has more bait that attracts the fish.

After donating your fish, you will receive an orange leaflet with a code on it 

After donating your fish, you will receive an orange leaflet with a code on it. This code can be used to unlock Redd’s Hat in the game. Enter the code into the game and Redd’s Hat will be added to your inventory!

Take this code to the Island Shop in order to get Redd’s Hat for free!

Once you have Redd’s Hat, you can take it to the Island Shop in order to get it for free! Simply go up to the item shop and choose ‘sell’ on Redd’s Hat. You will now be able to enter your code in order to get Redd’s Hat for no cost at all!

Redd’s Hat is a very charming new item in Animal Crossing New Horizons. If you want to get Redd’s Hat, make sure to use the codeword ‘IT’S MY CODE’ when donating your bass fish! Thanks for reading this article, I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or comments about Animal Crossing New Horizons.